“The overarching aim of the DBT-Linehan Board of Certification is to provide to the public at large and to relevant stakeholders a source that clearly identifies providers and programs that reliably offer DBT in a way that conforms to the evidence-based research.  Clinicians demonstrate that they have the requisite knowledge and skills to deliver DBT with adherence to the model as developed by Dr. Linehan and colleagues.  DBT Programs demonstrate having the necessary components and organization to deliver DBT with fidelity to the model.  A roster of certified clinicians and programs is available.” DBT-Linehan Board of Certification


We at the DBT-Linehan Board of Certification™ (DBT-LBC™) are committed to helping all individuals receive quality DBT services regardless of financial situation. We understand that the process of identifying high fidelity providers and programs who accept insurance can be an extremely difficult task, in the midst of what is already an incredibly overwhelming time. If you are unable to find an in-network provider and/or program or are struggling to assess whether a provider is actually qualified to provide DBT as designed and researched, we have created the following to help you in that process. There are clinicians and programs that provide quality DBT that may not be certified by DBT-LBC™, but those that have been certified by DBT-LBC™ have met certain high certification assessment standards and that often helps in getting your insurance company to agree to cover the treatment. If there are no DBT-LBC™ certified clinicians or programs within your physical vicinity, we encourage you to make sure that any clinicians who claim to provide DBT meet all of the other criteria stated in this document before proceeding with getting an SCA. For more information, visit DBT-LBC