RADICALLY OPEN Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO-DBT)

RADICALLY OPEN DIALECTICAL BEHAVIOR THERAPY (RO-DBT) is a new evidence-based treatment for disorders of overcontrol (too much self control) created by Dr. Thomas Lynch.  

Dr. Lynch hypothesized that the three pillars of psychological well-being include openness and receptivity, flexible control, and social connectedness. Too much self-control is theorized to decrease the ability to connect, show vulnerability, and form close relationships. 

RO-DBT is structured to include a skills group (referred to as your tribe!) that meets for approximately 30 weeks in combination with individual, weekly psychotherapy. The five themes targeted through skills training include: 

  1. Inhibited and disingenuous emotional expression

  2. Hyper-detailed focused and overly cautious behavior 

  3. Rigid and rule-governed behavior

  4. Aloof and distant style of relating

  5. High social comparison and envy/bitterness

RO-DBT targets Social Signaling as the primary mechanism for change, which is supported by research and theorists who utilize neuroregulatory theory as it is linked to emotional expression and the impact this has on social connection; when an internal emotional expression does not match outward appearances, the environment may notice this mismatch and experience the individual as untrustworthy or disingenuous (Boone & Buck, 2003; English & John, 2013; Kernis & Goldman, 2006). 

Therapists and clients will work collaboratively to activate the safety-system through a process of proprioception, therefore increasing the likelihood of forming intimate bonds and connection (Lynch et. al).  
You can read more about RO-DBT facts at ABCT Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies